Empowering Foster & At-Risk Youth to Achieve Brighter Futures

We provide comprehensive support and sustainable pathways for personal growth, education, and career success for youth as they transition into becoming independent and self-reliant individuals.

Equipping the next generation with the skills, resources, knowledge & opportunities they need to thrive


Through a holistic approach to youth development, Feeding Souls aims to bridge the gap between foster care and at-risk youth transitioning to adulthood, ensuring that every young person in our care is equipped with the skills, resources, knowledge, and opportunities they need to thrive. We offer 3 programs: Feeding The Soul, Soul Food & Soles For Souls to uplift the community. We strive to create a supportive and inclusive community that celebrates diversity and promotes a sense of identity and purpose for all youth under our care.

Flagship Program:
Feeding The Soul

Our flagship program, Feeding The Soul is a 16-week extensive delivering mentorship and coaching, life skills development and training, and job and vocational support to participants. Our program combines hands-on, real-world deliverables, field trips, and evidence-based programming to empower and uplift participants. From learning independent living techniques to resume writing, we educate our participants on ways to live a productive and meaningful life. From our Healing Souls module, which focuses on mental health, meditation methods, and restorative practices to our Solely Yours module, focusing on exploring academics, life goals, and career pathways, we deliver.

Mentorship & Coaching

We understand that one size does not fit all when it comes to guidance and mentorship, which is why we are dedicated to providing a custom and tailored experience for each individual we serve. Our team of experienced mentors and coaches takes the time to truly understand the unique aspirations, challenges, and strengths of every person who walks through our doors. Through personalized 1-on-1 sessions and meaningful connections, we empower!

Life Skills Development & Training

Feeding Souls believes that empowerment begins with tailored support, which is why we are dedicated to crafting individualized case plans (ICPs) that form the cornerstone of our custom life skills development programming. We understand that every participant's journey is unique, shaped by their personal experiences and goals. Our passionate team collaborates closely with each individual to curate a roadmap of success.

Job & Vocational Support

Through specialized career assessments and tailored skill enhancement programs, we guide participants in pinpointing their unique strengths and mapping out personalized career pathways. By nurturing their innate talents and matching them with opportunities that resonate, we empower participants to stride confidently toward futures that are not only fulfilling but also aligned with their authentic selves. From the trades to nursing, we support you!


Soul Food

As part of our commitment to give back and support the community, we have established a community-based food pantry that welcomes youth and families facing food insecurity. Our pantry is more than just a place to get food; it's a space where community and connections are built. Collectively, we strive to alleviate hunger and create a brighter, more hopeful future for all.

Soles For Souls

Soles of Souls provides essential footwear and clothing to youth in need, ensuring their comfort and confidence as they navigate life's challenges. We recognize that proper attire can significantly impact self-esteem and confidence, so we have established this program to embrace a holistic approach, fostering a sense of belonging and self-worth among the youth we serve.

Why Choose Our Programs?

Our programs are meticulously crafted to cater to the distinct and diverse needs of each participant, recognizing that every young individual possesses a unique set of talents, aspirations, and challenges. By taking a personalized approach, we not only foster personal growth but also cultivate a strong sense of belonging and self-worth within our participants. We are committed advocates, working tirelessly to create tailored career pathways that align with their passions and skills. Through mentorship, life skills development, and exposure to a range of opportunities, we pave the way for each participant to realize their fullest potential.

  • "Our dedication to customization and advocacy underscores our belief that every young person deserves the chance to thrive and contribute meaningfully to the world."

    Keturah Hardy

  • "Food for the body is not enough. There must be food for the soul."

    Dorothy Day

  • "We walk the same path, but got on different shoes, live in the same building, but we got different views."


Meet Our President & Founder
Keturah Hardy

Keturah’s love for children and youth stems from her passion to change underserved communities for the better. Since 1997, Keturah Hardy has worked in various positions in the New York City Department of Education and is currently the Family Support Coordinator for the Superintendent of District 29. Keturah also the Co-Director for District 29's My Brother's and Sister's Keeper (MBSK), a program initiated by President Obama to close the opportunity and achievement gap for Black, Brown and Latino students. She leads several community events and mentorship programs to educate, provide awareness for resources and assistant to those families in need.

Since 2008, Keturah has been a foster parent to over 40 youth teen mothers and therapeutic teens where she provides guidance, education and independent living skills. Mrs. Hardy is currently the teen Mockingbird Hub leader, a program based in Seattle Washington and partnered with Forestdale Foster Agency in Queens, New York to assist foster families through crisis counseling, respite, resources and educational assistance.

Mrs. Hardy holds a Bachelor’s of Science and a double Master's Degree in Business at Nyack College and Educational Studies from Mercy College.

Support A Worthy Cause

Join us in making a difference by donating to a worthy cause that supports youth in need and empowers them to build a brighter future. Contact our team to learn how.